Train to Portobelo

Panama Historic train in Panama Full-Day Tour: Historic Train Journey, Panama Canal Center in Agua Clara, and Portobelo History Tour For any true traveler, it’s not the beginning or the destination that counts—it’s the ride in between. This panoramic historical train is alive with sights and sounds that should be seen and heard. It’s a […]
Wounaan Community

Panama Wounaan community Half-day tour to visit the Wounaan indigenous community along the Panama Canal. Why is community-based tourism so important? In our price-based economy, assigning value to things is crucial; otherwise, they risk being perceived as valueless. But how can a life or nature itself be deemed without worth? There exists an intrinsic value […]
Emberá Community

Panama Emberà community Day tour to encounter the Emberá indigenous community within Chagres National Park. A river holds a magical allure—a dynamic, living essence of the earth itself. For the Emberá indigenous community, rivers are not just sources of sustenance, providing fish and aquatic plants, but integral to their lifestyle and environmental conservation efforts. During […]