
Volcano Masaya

Visit the famous Masaya Volcano at night to appreciate an incredible spectacle of nature. Daily departure from Managua at 4 PM.

Price from 30$


  • 4 PM

    Meeting downtown Managua

  • 4:30 PM

    Arrival at Masaya Volcano and visit to the crater.

  • 7 PM

    Back to Managua


Nature and outdoors


History and culture


Solidariety and community


Food and socialization

The idea of visiting an active volcano could sound rather daunting, but the chance to see the crater that illuminates the night with the light of the lava is appealing. Where in the world can you jump on a car, and with no effort whatsoever, arrive at the mouth of hell itself?

Just 30 minutes from Managua there is the Volcano Masaya, the most visited of Nicaragua. Amazing, don’t miss it

The itinerary

We start from Managua, we arrive at the base of the Masaya volcano and we go up (with our means of transport) to the crater where we will reach out towards the abyss. With this tour you have the opportunity to observe one of the wonders of Central America: the Masaya volcano, one of the 7 volcanoes in the world with the lava bed in motion … Not to be missed!

After visiting the illustrative pavilion where we can read up on the captions relating to the geology of Nicaragua, we take you to the mouth of the active crater from which a perennial cloud of smoke comes out.

Return to Managua.

What is included?

What NOT included?

What to bring?

We suggest you bring enough water for the tour.

What to expect?