Studying Portuguese in Salvador, Bahia, the Historical Capital of Brazil

A little summary...

Join me on a journey of language and culture in Salvador, Bahia. This city of vibrant colors and rich history provides an immersive backdrop for learning Portuguese. My month-long study experience here has been enriched by the lively streets, welcoming locals, and unique cultural blend. Beyond the classroom, Salvador's historic districts and beautiful beaches offer countless opportunities for real-world practice and exploration. Coupled with a sustainable development project on the nearby island of Tinharé, this stay has been both educational and deeply rewarding.

Salvador is to me the city of colors. From its architecture to its people, passing through the clothing and the food, everything is bright and different. I come from Tuscany, a beautiful land governed by the greens of the land and the brown of its towns, and the difference is astonishing. For work (and for fun), I decided this year to come and learn Portuguese, enrolling in a month-long journey of intense studying in Salvador. I didn’t choose Salvador because I consider it more interesting or better than other cities in Brazil but because of its convenient location to Morro de São Paulo, where we are running, together with Ecomorro, a project about sustainable development of the island of Tinharé.

Salvador’s vibrant energy has deeply enriched my learning experience. Each day, as I navigate through its historic streets, the rich sounds of Portuguese fill the air, blending with the rhythms of samba and the scents of Bahian cuisine. The city’s unique mix of African, European, and indigenous influences is palpable, offering a cultural immersion that extends beyond language.

My mornings are spent in rigorous classes, where our passionate instructors use Salvador’s dynamic environment as a living classroom. Afternoons often involve exploring the city’s colorful markets, historic Pelourinho district, and beautiful beaches, where practice comes naturally through interactions with locals. Weekends offer the perfect opportunity to visit Morro de São Paulo, providing a balance of relaxation and the rewarding work on our sustainable development project.

Living and studying in Salvador has not only improved my Portuguese but also opened my eyes to the warmth and resilience of its people. This city of colors, with its lively festivals and heartfelt hospitality, has become a second home, leaving me with memories and lessons that will last a lifetime.