
Street art walking tour

An alternative walking tour to discover the artsy side of Leon experiencing history, culture and folklore through street art.

Price 17$


  • 1:30 PM

    Meeting in Leon downtown and beginning of the tour at the biggest painting in town just net to the cathedral.

  • 2 PM

    Visit to university and literature mural

  • 3 PM

    Museum of Legends and Traditions

  • 4 PM

    End of the tour


Nature and outdoors


History and culture


Solidariety and community


Food and socialization

What makes street art so interesting to us? Uber famous street artist Bansky said “Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing. And even if you don’t come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make someone smile while they’re having a piss.” Do you think is this easy? Maybe street art is nothing else but urban poetry that catches someone’s eye but Leon’s murales are so powerful because they are a collective thing, participative and interactive. Here you can relive history, folklore and culture, with no provocation, just the city soul painted in walls.

The itinerary

We start the tour at 1:30 pm with the largest mural in the city, located near the cathedral. This urban artwork tells us about the history of Nicaragua up to the 19th century, and offers insights into the identity of Nicaraguans, illustrating their battles, chaotic and vibrant moments.

Precisely in one of these moments – in the 80s, in a time of struggle and reconstruction – the mural movement was born, soon spread like wildfire to the point that more than 1,000 murals were painted in a short time in Nicaragua.

Then it is the turn of other murals, which allude to the revolution – of which Leon has become the capital – and offer us some of the most representative images of the 20th century. It is like seeing a documentary film on the past, present and perhaps the future of the country.

Then we move to the University to discover other murals representing Nicaraguan traditions, culture and literature. Finally to complete the tour of Leon’s Murales we visit the Museum of Legends and Traditions.

We think this experience may convey a feeling that has made Leon one of the intellectual capitals of Central America.

What is included?

What NOT included?

What to bring?

We suggest you dress appropriately with light comfortable clothes and shoes. We suggest you bring enough water for the tour, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.

What to expect?