Costa Rica

Huetar indigenous

Day tour to visit the Quitirrisi de Mora Indigenous community: culture and history just one hour from San Josè.

Price from 56$


  • 09 AM

    Pick you up at the hotel

  • 10 AM

    Arrival at Rancho Viriteca (Huetar land) and meeting with the indigenous community

  • 12 PM

    Lunch with our hosts

  • 02 PM

    Back to the car

  • 03 PM

    Hotels drop off in San Josè


Nature and outdoors


History and culture


Solidariety and community


Food and socialization

The Huetares worship the Sun and the Moon. To that end, they build altars and stone mounds. Also, they revere the bones of their ancestors. They bury the remains of the deceased along with various objects that belonged to them in life. This is just a bit we can tell you without giving everything away. Come and visit the Quitirrisí indigenous reserve with us, in the Mora region, Costa Rica!

The itinerery

After breakfast we go to the canton of Mora, south of San José, to meet the Huetar indigenous people, some 1,500 people spread on a large area divided into two territories: Quitirrisí and Zapatón.

We visit the inhabitants of Quitirrisí in order to get closer to their culture, their traditions and understand the activities they engage in, interacting with them.

We will have a chat in which our guests will explain to us how they have adapted to the current world while preserving their culture. Furthermore they will show us how they consume corn – essential for their diet – and how they use clay and arrows.

A return to the roots to understand who the original inhabitants of this land are

Typical lunch included in the community.

Back to the capital in the afternoon.

What is included?

What NOT included?

What to bring?

We suggest you dress appropriately with comfortable clothes and shoes. We suggest you bring a jacket, bugs repellent and sunscreen.

What to expect?