
Homestay in Ometepe

Two days communitary activity to live with a local family in Ometepe. Cooking class, food and homestaying included.

Price from 62$


  • Day 1 - 10 AM

    Meeting at Moyogalpa office

  • Day 1 - 11 AM

    Meeting with your Omepetian family.

  • Day 1 - 12 PM

    Lunch with the family

  • Day 1 - 02 PM

    Cooking class! Learn how to make Nacatamales and rum made with corn.

  • Day 1 - 07 PM

    Dinner toghether with all of you, the guide and the family.

  • Day 2 - 8 AM

    Breakfast with your local family.

  • Day 2 - 10 AM

    Say good bye to your local family, we bring you back at Moyogalpa.


Nature and outdoors


History and culture


Solidariety and community


Socialization and food

The famous travel chef Anthony Bourdain said “If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go”. We agree with him, except on the age restriction. We urge you to be hungry, whoever you are, whatever is your age or your physical condition. We offer you a unique chance to share unforgettable moments with the local community of the island of Ometepe. Cook, live and sleep like a local with this two day homestay tour.

The itinerary

Day  1

The tour starts at 10:00 at our office near the port of Moyogalpa. We bring you to know the local community so you can understand its lifestyle and get in touch with its members.

Lunch with a family from the community.

At 2:00 pm we go to take a cooking class to learn how to prepare the Nacatamal, a typical local dish based on corn, meat and  vegetables, and the Pinolillo, the Nicaraguan drink made with corn and cocoa. After the lesson we enjoy dinner all together and taste what we have prepared.

Finally, we take you to the host family for the night.

Day 2

In the morning you share a typical breakfast with the family. 

We pick you up at 10:00 am to leave the community and return to the starting point.

What is included?

What to expect?