
Homestay in Ometepe

Two-day community activity to live with a local family in Ometepe. Includes cooking class, meals, and homestay accommodation.

The famous travel chef Anthony Bourdain said, “If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go.” We agree with him, except on the age restriction. We urge you to be hungry for knowledge, no matter your age or physical condition. We offer a unique chance to share unforgettable moments with the local community of Ometepe. Cook, live, and sleep like a local with this two-day homestay tour.

Add to your itinerary


Nature and outdoors


History and culture


Solidariety and community


Socialization and food


  • Day 1 - 10 AM

    Meeting at Moyogalpa office

  • Day 1 - 11 AM

    Meeting with your Omepetian family.

  • Day 1 - 12 PM

    Lunch with the family

  • Day 1 - 02 PM

    Cooking class! Learn how to make Nacatamales and Chica, a fermented corn drink that is popular in some Latin American countries..

  • Day 1 - 07 PM

    Dinner together with all of you, the guide and the family

  • Day 2 - 8 AM

    Breakfast with your local family.

  • Day 2 - 10 AM

    Say good bye to your local family, we bring you back at Moyogalpa.

The itinerary

Day 1
The tour starts at 10:00 am at our office near the port of Moyogalpa. We’ll introduce you to the local community, allowing you to understand their lifestyle and interact with its members. Lunch is with a family from the community.

At 2:00 pm, we’ll have a cooking class where you’ll learn to prepare Nacatamal, a traditional dish of corn, meat, and vegetables, and Pinolillo, a Nicaraguan drink made with corn and cocoa. Afterward, we’ll enjoy dinner together, tasting what we’ve prepared. Finally, you’ll stay overnight with a host family.

Day 2

In the morning, share a typical breakfast with the family. At 10:00 am, we’ll pick you up to leave the community and return to the starting point.

What is included?

What to expect?