Islets of Granada

Nicaragua Islets of Granada Join us for a boat trip on the great Nicaragua Lake to explore some of the 365 beautiful islands near Granada. Kaboom! Who knows when, but a loooooong time ago, Volcano Mombacho erupted and collapsed into nearby Nicaragua Lake, creating a small archipelago of 365 tiny islands—one for each day of […]

Chacocente Natural Reserve

Nicaragua Chacocente Reserve Join us between July and January to witness millions of turtles nesting along an 11 km stretch of coastline, a breathtaking marvel of nature. The miracle of birth is always an incredible experience, but seeing hundreds of tiny turtles hatching and making their way to the water is a unique opportunity to […]

Solentiname Archipelago

Nicaragua Solentiname Archipelago Explore the Solentiname Archipelago and Los Guatuzos Wildlife Refuge on our 3-day, 2-night tour. In the realm of dreams, life is rarely about numbers. Surely none of you set out on this wonderful trip thinking, “Let’s go and crunch some numbers.” But, indulge us for a moment and consider this: Lake Nicaragua […]

The pirates of San Juan River

Nicaragua San Juan River Sail like a pirate on the San Juan River during our 3-day tour blending history and nature! Once upon a time in Nicaragua, a volcanic eruption reshaped history, destroying Leon, the region’s heart. The Spanish rebuilt in splendor on Lake Nicaragua, creating Granada—the jewel of the New World. Amidst the Golden […]

Arenal – La Fortuna

Costa Rica Arenal Volcano Day excursion from San José: Enjoy a leisurely hike along the Lava Flow trail at Arenal 1968 Park, followed by relaxation at the hot springs. Feeling lucky? We certainly do! Today, we explore the extraordinary district of La Fortuna de San Carlos under truly unique circumstances. Whether you’re a fan of […]

Manuel Antonio

Costa Rica Manuel Antonio Embark on a day trip from San José with a light hike through Manuel Antonio National Park, renowned for its biodiversity and stunning vistas. We have no hesitation in proclaiming that Manuel Antonio is the crown jewel of Costa Rica, and even Forbes magazine agrees with us! This prestigious magazine ranked […]