Cascada San Ramón and Ojo de Agua

Nicaragua Ojo de Agua and hike Embark on a day tour with a moderately easy hike to San Ramón Waterfalls followed by relaxation at the Ojo de Agua swimming pools. The Latin saying “in medio stat virtus” (virtue stands in the middle) reflects our approach here—an activity that strikes a balance. We’ll hike a bit […]

Hike on Volcano Maderas

Nicaragua Volcano Maderas Day tour for exploring Volcano Maderas and swimming in the crater lagoon. Join us for this unforgettable adventure! Under the term “walking on clouds,” as defined by Urban Dictionary: “The feeling you have when something very nice happens to you!”, we invite you to join us for an experience akin to walking […]

Hike on Volcano Concepción

Nicaragua Volcano Concepción Day tour to hike the volcano Concepción.Experience the thrill of reaching the top of the world… or at least the top of the island! Legend has it that the ancestral people received a command from the gods: “Go and seek the place where fire is surrounded by water.” And so, the first […]

Arenal – La Fortuna

Costa Rica Arenal Volcano Day excursion from San José: Enjoy a leisurely hike along the Lava Flow trail at Arenal 1968 Park, followed by relaxation at the hot springs. Feeling lucky? We certainly do! Today, we explore the extraordinary district of La Fortuna de San Carlos under truly unique circumstances. Whether you’re a fan of […]

Manuel Antonio

Costa Rica Manuel Antonio Embark on a day trip from San José with a light hike through Manuel Antonio National Park, renowned for its biodiversity and stunning vistas. We have no hesitation in proclaiming that Manuel Antonio is the crown jewel of Costa Rica, and even Forbes magazine agrees with us! This prestigious magazine ranked […]