Ethical Code of Behaviour

All providers who offer their tourist services with this platform and its social networks undertake to respect this declaration and the principles mentioned therein.

  1. The providers undertake to protect the tourists and their assets, as well as to respect their beliefs and lifestyle
  2. The providers undertake to provide tourists with truthful, objective information and to promote their well-being in the places of visit
  3. The providers undertake to offer tourists the best service without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion or personal conditions
  4. The providers undertake to respect the communities that tourists visit, without distorting or disturbing their lifestyle
  5. From a social point of view, tourist activity must aim at fostering understanding, tolerance and cooperation among people belonging to different cultures
  6. Tourism represents an essential tool for the economic progress of the individual, families and local communities
  7. The tourist activity must be carried out in such a way as to protect the environment and avoid further pollution, through specific choices and behaviors such as: developing collaboration with hotels that stand out for their eco-friendly policy; implement energy and water savings; avoid, as far as possible, the production of waste; implement ecotourism that generates resources to be allocated to environmental protection; avoid over tourism and balance the presence of tourists in the visiting places
  8. The providers undertake to monitor in order to avoid damage to the cultural, artistic and archaeological heritage in the places of visit
  9. Any form of economic exploitation is strictly prohibited, the providers must offer their collaborators and employees good working conditions and worthy earnings, which allow the sustenance and growth of individuals and their families
  10. Providers engage in the fight against the exploitation of child labor or minors for sexual purposes, reporting any abuses to the authorities